with Emma Balnaves (Course will be in Japanese)
- Free lecture and class on Friday evening at 6pm
- And four sessions Saturday–Sunday 9–11am & 4–6pm
A course for the application of Karana & Asana Angahara for all yoga practitioners.
The karanas and asanas are the practical and methodical folding and unfolding of the body’s six limbs in action. The increase of power leading to the spontaneous awakening of the core power of life, the kundalini shakti.
The Natya shastra states:
Karana: the causal factor
Ka: space
Ra: fire, transformation
Ana: posture, shape, breathing
‘Nrtta’ is made up of 32–36 karanas.
It is through karana and asana angaharas that the acquisition of shapes through rhythmic movements, devoid of mood (bhava) & flavour (rasa), is attained. One goes beyond the material presence and the sadhaka (aspirant) rediscovers the rhythmic life currents hidden within the body by means of un-imposed natural positioning. The Karanas are the forms which make up Nrtta (Pure Dance) and prepare the sadhaka for the transmental state (unmani) for the practices of asana & mudra.
Based on group present the courses will vary on what content is given within the teaching of Karana & Asana.
Open level for all yoga practitioners
Cost: JPY70,000
Hosted by Koyu Terasawa
For bookings or further information contact Koyu Terasawa