Taranyali Kriya
The Proceedings of the Thunder Dragon
With Emma Balnaves
- Free Lecture and class 5pm Thursday
- Six sessions Friday to Sunday 7–9am & 4–6pm
Workshop attendees are expected to attend the lecture on Thursday evening.
The Taranayali Kriya is a preparatory stage for the Taranyali Dhyanam (Meditations of the Thunder Dragon).
It is for the students who have covered the preliminary practices and are ready to proceed to the next level. These are the early steps into subtle (pranic) body development.
The term ‘Kriya’ is a suggestive process towards the inner-body activities where ‘Kri’, in our case stands for effort, while ‘Ya’, is pointing to the soul.
It is a process that guides the beginner towards the intermediate level of practices, requiring a slightly different mindset, into the next stage leading towards the higher stages of meditation.
The karanas, asanas, kriyas and mudras taught are the support mechanism for the breathing processes, which includes japa of mantra.
Pre-requisite – Shadow Yoga background of Nrtta & Yogasanas is required. An ability to sit in Padmasana, Swastikasana or Vajrasana.
Hosted by Yoga Moves
For bookings register here or for further information contact Louise