The instruction will consist of six ten-day courses spread over three years. The courses will be conducted twice a year (in the first and last quarters) with the first course being in Bali from 17-26 February 2026.
Future courses will be conducted in a region accessible to sadhakas from any part of the globe.
The Khecari Mudra Sadhana course will be conducted by Sundernāth who is an initiate of the Mrighasthali Goraknath temple, Kathmandu, Nepal.
‘asanam vijitam yena jitam tena jagat-trayam’
One who has gained mastery over asanas, has won over all three planes of the self (body, breath and mind) and enjoys integrated health. This is attained through the inner sound of Kundalini that consists of the straight line, the coil and the sound.
Maha Shivasana is made up of the six seats required for the proper cultivation of khecari mudra. These six seats are the outcome of the interwoven mastery of sixteen asanas with their associated mudras. That interwoven mastery requires three years of study and opens the way for the cultivation of khecari mudra. This cultivation will then take a further nine years for the sadhaka to complete on their own.
To achieve the mindset required to complete this journey one must understand the following two terms.
- Samayacarana: refers to the consistent practice of vows and rules over the period of cultivation. (Manthanabhairavatantra) This is required for the beginner to succeed in the cultivation of the practises of Khecari mudra.
- Shivacarana: the non-performance of rules and vows is the appropriate conduct of the accomplished yogin/yogini. (Malinivijayottaratantra)
According to the Nath-yogins, when the yogin or yogini practises this sadhana, the attractions of the world do not affect them and their bodies are kept in good order. For these reasons Adinath urges the Siddhas to maintain it. However Guru Matsyendranath, in his Samhita, is clear that one may face a number of obstacles in the cultivation of Khecari Mudra.
These potential obstacles include:
- emaciation of the body
- laziness from hunger
- itching of the body
- paleness of body
- dental disease
- loss of power
- ruin of the lightness of body
- severe fever
- head diseases and phlegm
- vomiting
- breathlessness
- momentary blindness
- irresistable sleep
These are the possible scenarios that may present themselves after the churning of the tongue has begun. To avoid these, Kundalini must be provoked and raised by bhastrika pranayama together with its kumbhaka.
There are several layers of activities in the preparation of Khecari mudra. First the body, including the tongue, must be prepared. Then begin the different activities of the tongue (churning etc). These are followed by dhyana upon the inner sound (nadanusandana). There are many other layers and stages in the process but all will remain fruitless without the application of Shivasana.
This course is for established Hatha Yoga practitioners with a strong will free from all agendas and attachments.
“Each stage has its own set of tools and each tool should be chosen and used according to the task at hand. Once the task is accomplished the tool must be relinquished. You build a raft to cross a river. When you reach the opposite bank you leave it there. You don’t put it on your back to climb the mountain.”
- This course is open to experienced hatha yoga practitioners
- The cost of the first course, 17–26 Feb 2026, is USD1,400
- Fees are for tuition only in Ubud which is non-residential
- Applications will be accepted by email to stating your Full name, date of birth, country of origin and hatha yoga experience
- Acceptance is at the sole discretion of Shadow Yoga
- Pre-requisites must be completed this year
- Mudra with Sundernath
- Mantra Sadhana (if not previously completed)