Shadow Yoga Bibliography & Recommended Texts
Pashupata Sutram with panchartha-bhasya of Kaundinya, Haripada Chakraborti.
Academic publishers Calcutta.
The Natyasastra ascribed to Bharata-Muni.
Translation by Manomohan Ghosh M.A. Ph.D.
Bhavadeva Mishra, Yukta Bhavadeva.
Translation by Dr M Gharote, Lonavla Yoga Institute, Pune, India, 2002 (first edition).
Gheranda Samhita.
Translation by Sris Chandra Vasu. Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, India, 1895.
Gorakshanatha, Gorakshashatakam.
Translation by Swami Kuvalayananda & Dr. S.A. Samiti, Kaivalyadhama S.M.Y.M Samiti, Pune, India.
Gorakshanatha, Siddha Siddhant Padati.
Translation by Dr. M. Gharote, Lonavla Yoga Institute, Pune, India, 2005 (first edition).
Yogi Srinivasa, Hatha Ratnavali.
Translation by Dr. M. Gharote, Lonavla Yoga Institute, Pune, India, 2004 (first edition).
Poets of the Powers, Kamil V. Zvelebil.
Rider & Co., London, U.K., 1973.
Siddha Quest for Immortality, Kamil V. Zvelebil.
Mandrake of Oxford, Oxford, U.K., 1996.
Patanjali, Yoga Sutras.
Translation by Bangali Baba. Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, India, 1975.
Siva Samhita.
Translation by Rai Bahadur Sris Chandra Vasu. Munshiram Manoharlal, Delhi, India, 1975.
La Siva Svarodaya.
Translation by Alain Danielou. Arche, Milano, 1982.
Salutations to the Teacher and the Eternal One.
Manuscript from transcribed talks of Krishnamacharya. Sri T. Krishnamacharya.
Sri Yogasana (in Kannada) by T. Krishnamacharya.
India, (publisher and date unknown).
Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Swatmarana.
Translation by Jyotsna of Brahmananda. Adyar Library & Research Centre, Chennai, India, 1972 (first edition).
Vasishta Samhita, Kaivalyadhama S.M.Y.M. Samiti.
Pune, India, 1984.
Yogayagnjavalkaya Samhita.
Translated by Dr. M. Gharote & Dr. V.A. Bedekar. Kaivalyadhama S.M.Y.M. Samiti, Pune, India, 1982.